Sunday, March 5, 2023

Averie and Ellie...

Several years ago one of my granddaughters visited New York City with a friend, and sent back a few photographs. I was intrigued by the idea of doing a quick (well, semi-quick) watercolor sketch of the two teenagers in sunglasses. After I used my MacBook's photo app to crop out the surroundings, I simply enlarged the image and concentrated on capturing their sunlit smiles. 

Step 1

I sketched in a few details in pencil, but mostly wanted to rely on my eye and a limited palette of transparent colors to build the shapes and emphasize light and shadow. I tried to remember to stop every now and then to capture the progress of my painting –– always a challenge for me once I get started! For the first two steps, I worked exclusively with my favorite #12 Cosmo-Top Spin round brush, as it holds a good point. Colors used in the first two steps: Holbein's Burnt Sienna and Mineral Violet; and Winsor & Newton's French Ultramarine, Burnt Umber, and Sepia. By step 3, and in the final version, I added a few other colors, to help develop shading, add details to the sunglasses, and add the jackets and the background. I also switched to a smaller brush –– a Robert Simmons #4 white sable (synthetic). Colors added in these final steps: Winsor & Newton's Permanent Rose, Cobalt Blue, Raw Umber, Green Gold, and Winsor Blue GS; also Holbein's Verditer Blue. 

Step 2

Step 3

Here is the original photo, taken in Washington Park in Manhattan, and a cropped view that I brought up on my laptop screen to refer to while painting.

News from my studio

Vacation travels and other commitments have left me less time to spend in my studio. Fortunately, my schedule has opened up and I'm star...