Friday, July 31, 2020

A bit of news about two paintings...

I enjoy sharing updates about my work -- never more than now, while we are all participating in social distancing, wearing masks, washing our hands, etc. Another of my watercolor paintings was chosen for inclusion in a permanent installation at the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center's University Campus in Worcester. The original painting, "Gardenscape #1" was sold to a private collector last year. 

One-time reproduction rights for "Gardenscape #1" were granted to a Boston gallery that specializes in corporate art installations. Last year, L'Attitude Gallery also purchased similar rights to three of my watercolor landscapes which are also part of a permanent collection in an inpatient unit at UMass Memorial Medical Center on Lake Ave. North, in Worcester.


Also, I donated an original watercolor to the "Bid Fore the Kids" auction,  part of the 22nd annual golf tournament benefitting the Worcester County CASA project. As a CASA volunteer since early 2017, I know first-hand the positive difference this organization makes for so many children and youth and their families. My painting, "Blue Glass Vase," matted and framed, measures 18" x 22." and was sold here:




Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Paintings accepted into two national competitions...

My watercolor painting, "Garden Royalty," was juried into the 2020 National Watermedia Show that opens at the Rhode Island Watercolor Society in Pawtucket, RI on August 1. The exhibit runs through September 25.

"Garden Royalty"  transparent watercolor  19" x 23"
"Feeling Cheerful" was accepted into "The National," an annual open juried Show at the Cape Cod Art Center in Barnstable, MA. The exhibit, which is all online this year, runs through August 14.  Click HERE to see the show.

"Feeling Cheerful"  transparent watercolor   14.75" x 11.75"