Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kitchen Sunshine II

Sometimes things don't turn out as you hoped they would... In completing my painting, "Kitchen Sunshine," I ran into several problems -- one of which just about derailed the whole project. But having spent a lot of hours on the details, I was determined to offer it as a finished work, albeit with a few changes I hadn't planned on. In my previous post, Kitchen Sunshine I, the tea-towel started out with a white ground. But as I progressed, I decided to give it a pale yellow wash. Big mistake!! 
This diminished the punchier impact of the warm-toned fruit. It also downplayed a strong contrast between the stripes and the white ground of the towel. At this point, I can't say what caused me to use a pale yellow wash... I just know I wouldn't do it again.

As I began to deepen the shadows and emphasize the folds in the tea-towel, I worked too quickly. Not allowing the glazes to dry in between layers meant I was heading in the direction of mud (rather than a clear glaze of one color over another). The results of my impatience are visible, in the finished painting, in lower of the two folds.

But the most frustrating thing I ran into at the very conclusion of this project was a tear in the paper! I slid my palette knife carefully (I thought...) around the edges of the watercolor block to loosen the painting from the adhesive that binds all four sides.
As I did this, the paper ripped at the bottom...    

I was heartsick, given the number of hours I'd invested. But luckily the tear was just an inch long, and extended only about 1/2" up from the bottom. The solution was obvious: make lemonade by cropping the painting. Instead of measuring 9" x 12, its dimensions are 8.5" x 11.5" and it is available for purchase at my Daily Paintworks gallery. Click on the link accompanying the caption to go to the gallery.

"Kitchen Sunshine"
8.5" x 11.5"   SOLD

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