Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cloud technique

I've signed up to participate in the Cape Cod Art Center's juried artists' show, "Points of View" (it will run from June 16 - July 11). My reference photo, a landscape with a distinctive cloudy sky, was chosen from a collection of images provided by juried photographers at CCAC. The goal is to present my own watercolor interpretation of the image (rather than an exact copy). It's a great challenge and a lot of fun to mess around with various techniques. Since I have several months to complete the painting, I'm giving myself free reign, and madly practicing how to paint clouds. Stormy skies, sunny skies, rainy skies, winter and summer skies -- all are fair game. I can't wait to see how this challenge turns out. In the meantime, here are three quick studies, two completed earlier this week, and another that's a work-in-progress.

Late Winter Sky, study

Late Winter, study
Winter Clouds, study (step 1)

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